An older adult education student takes school seriously while the younger guys are gooofing off making paper airplanes.
So you’re considering continuing your education? Now’s the time to set some goals for the coming year. Whether it’s because you’re ready to move jobs, looking for a higher position or just seeking to challenge yourself, there are many benefits to continuing your education. Below are seven reasons (and one bonus one) you should consider continuing your education.
1. Make More Money
Although there is an upfront investment, one great benefit of continuing your education is that you’ll gain more money. A person with their Master’s degree makes, on average, $200 more a week than their colleagues with only bachelor degrees. This adds up to almost an extra $10,000 a year.
2. Career Growth
Continuing your education can significantly grow your career. When you earn an advanced degree, the skills you gain can help you get a higher position in your company or advance to a different industry.
3. Networking
During the time you’re back at school, you’ll end up meeting new professional connections in your teachers and fellow classmates. These connections will likely know many other people in your industry so going back to school could serve as an extended networking event.
4. Advanced Skill Set
Another benefit of continuing your education is the advanced training and skills you’ll learn. These new, advanced skills will make you stand out and qualify you for better paying, higher position employment.
5. Strengthen Skills
If you’re continuing your education in the same field, you’ll also get the chance to strengthen your current skills. Strengthening your honed skills while learning new ones can help prepare you for managerial positions in your field.
6. Showcase Work Ethic
Having an advanced degree to boast on your resume will catch the employer’s eyes for many reasons including your work ethic. Showing you’re willing to go the extra mile for your professional career shows you’re ambitious and are devoted to your career and, therefore, the company you’ll be working for.
7. Personal Fulfillment
Lastly, one of the most important reasons to continue your education is the personal fulfillment you’ll receive from it. Going back to school can make you feel energized and excited about your professional life. Furthermore, the benefits of getting paid more for a job that you love can also significantly improve your personal life as well.
The reasons above are just some of the many opportunities that can come out of continuing your education. Corridor Careers is a resource for job seekers at all stages to better land jobs they love. Browse our job listings for the best jobs in the greater Cedar Rapids area.
How to Get Started With Continuing Your Education
The Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Public libraries are good places to get started. Librarians and community outreach personnel can help you get access to free online training programs and point you in the right direction towards continuing your education. If you haven’t finished your high school diploma, we have another post about how to get that.
Also, Future Ready Iowa is a website and program with the goal of increasing the skills of our existing population. In 2018, this program received an increase in input and partnerships from area employers. Browse the opportunities available for adults, no matter what your skill level is. From basic literacy, free lessons in math and science skills to credential opportunities, this is a very valuable resource.
Kirkwood Community College’s Continuing Education program offers both in-person and online programs for certifications as well as personal development courses. In addition, check out your relevant industry association. Most skilled and professions with a large base (think Project Management, Heathcare, Engineering, Cosmetology) offer some type of continuing ed through trade associations at a discount to members.
Higher Ed may also be the route you need to go. With over 6 colleges and universities in our area, you have a ton of options to consider.
Bonus…with a warning
8. Inspire Others
Whether it’s your friends, children, co-workers or spouse, if you embark on a journey to become a lifelong learner, you will inspire others to do so as well. We all have our own interests, and we only have one life to live. Why not spend some time learning more about our interests and grow our curiosity? By working toward a goal of increasing your skills you will accomplish not only personal fulfillment, but you will also be helping our society grow its skilled workforce.
A Minor Warning
It’s helpful to keep in mind, some people will not be inspired by your growth, they will feel threatened by it. To prevent sabotage, limit who you tell about your goals until they are accomplished. You know who the supportive people are in your life, and you can be strategic in who you tell about your personal goals. Those who discourage others to grow are probably feeling self-conscious about their own journey. So don’t worry about them. Just “run your own race”, and get ready to grow!